Todd thanks you for sponsoring SquidFest!
Choose your Level - any amount is welcome - and mail a check to
GAAC, Squid Fest, 807 Prentice St , Granite Falls, MN 56241 or
online at this link
$1000 - Giant Squid/Great White Pelican Level
Large logo banner with prime placement at SquidFest
Recognition on website, at info booth, and on Facebook page
On-stage thank you with special message from MCs
Free Vendor Booth with prime location at SquidFest
Giant Squid Level Sponsors
$500 Octopus/Egret Level
Logo banner displayed at SquidFest
Recognition on website, at info booth, and on Facebook page
On-stage thank you from MCs
Free Vendor Booth with prime location at SquidFest
Octopus Level Sponsors
Kiwanis Club of Granite Falls Our art is improving the world one child and one community at a time
$100 Jellyfish/Cardinal Level
Names included on sponsorship list
Recognition on website and at info booth